lundi, décembre 29, 2008

Gaza soumise à une guerre de destruction

Corps d'un Palestinien dans les décombres d'un immeuble à Gaza. Israël a lancé une guerre d'extermination, bénéficiant d'une complicité internationale avérée - Photo : AP/Fadi Adwan
Les forces israéliennes d'occupation sont massées autour de la bande de Gaza, tandis que les avions et hélicoptères poursuivent leur pilonnage.

Durant les dernières attaques la nuit dernières, les avions israéliens ont bombardé l'université islamique et un complexe gouvernemental dans la ville de Gaza.
Presque 300 Palestiniens ont été assassinés depuis que Israël a commencé ses bombardements samedi.
Le ministère de la Santé à Gaza a indiqué qu'environ 5% des morts étaient des enfants, alors que le « UN relief and works agency » déclare que les chiffres obtenus auprès des médecins locaux prouvent que 51 civils ont déjà été massacrés.
Un enfant de 4 mois, deux femmes et un homme ont été tués lors d'une attaque sur le camp de réfugiés de Jebaliya près de la ville de Gaza tard en fin de journée dimanche, ont dit les médecins palestiniens.
Tzipi Livni, [criminelle de guerre et] ministre israélienne des affaires étrangères, a indiqué aux médias américains qu'Israël ne visait que le Hamas et les autres groupes palestiniens [dans un territoire aussi densément peuplé que Gaza, ce genre de déclaration est pure et habituelle hypocrisie - N.d.T].
« Malheureusement dans les guerres... parfois des civils payent également le prix, » a-t-elle ajouté [nous n'attendons que le moment où ce soit elle qui « payera le prix » - N.d.T].
Elle a également vomit devant NBC : « Notre but n'est pas de réoccuper la bande de Gaza. »
Offensive terrestre en préparation
Des centaines de soldats et des tanks sont déployés le long du territoire, faisant craindre une escalade dans l'agression.
« Les indications sur le terrain sont certainement que la préparation est bouclée pour une offensive au sol, » rapporte Hoda Abdel Hamid d'Al Jazeera depuis Izmit en Israël.
Le cabinet israélien a décidé le rappel de 6500 réservistes et Ehud Barak, [criminel de guerre et] ministre israélien de la défense, a menacé de faire suivre les raids aériens d'une offensive terrestre.
Plus tôt dimanche, les avions israéliens ont bombardé la zone frontalière entre Gaza et l'Egypte, détruisant des tunnels exploités pour passer des marchandises essentielles au territoire assiégé.
De nombreux tunnels s'entrecroisent entre le sud de Gaza et le désert du Sinai en Egypte, fournissant une aide aux habitants qui ont besoin de produits de base, suite aux pénuries provoquées par le blocus israélien qui dure maintenant depuis 18 mois.
« Coup dévastateur »
Ayman Mohyeldin, correspondant d'Al Jazeera dans Rafah, une ville coupée en deux par la frontière, a indiqué qu'au moins une personne avait été tuée et 42 autres blessées dans les attaques contre les tunnels.
« C'est certainement un coup dévastateur pour la population civile à Gaza, » dit-il, ajoutant que la possibilité que les tunnels pouvaient être frappés avait déjà fait monter le prix du carburant et d'autres marchandises.
Des Palestiniens essayant de fuir les bombardements israéliens sont parvenus à ouvrir une brèche dans la barrière séparant le territoire d'avec l'Egypte. Lors des affrontements qui ont suivi au moins une personne a été tuée.
Les tensions à la frontière avec l'Egypte, évitant Israël, avaient monté d'un cran durant la journée, l'Egypte critiquant le Hamas de ne pas laisser traverser les Palestiniens blessés et le Hamas demandant au contraire que l'aide médicale soit fournie dans le territoire [l'essentiel des blessés n'étant pas transportables].
[Israël avait mis fin à la trêve convenue avec le Hamas en multipliant les agressions et en ne respectant pas la plupart des clauses, dont la levée du siège - N.d.T.]

29 décembre 2008 - Al - Vous pouvez consulter cet article à :
[Traduction :]
Israël, engagé dans une "guerre sans merci" contre le Hamas, attaquait lundi des cibles du mouvement islamiste pour la 3e journée consécutive dans la bande de Gaza où ses raids ont fait plus de 320 morts dont 57 civils, alors que se profile la perspective d'attaques terrestres.


1 commentaires:

À 6:16 AM , Anonymous Anonyme a dit...


La Cour international de Justice et le fameux procureur espagnol GARZON ont le devoir moral et la responsabilite de poursuivre en justice les auteurs de nouveau holocaust dont sont victimes les palestiniens.
Il y avait dernierement une guerre contre l'ex yougoslavie pour des actes similaires.
La legitime defense doit etre proportionnelle a l'attaque. L'exces de represailles annule la legitime defense par celui qui l'invoque .

Le post suivant a ete publie le 29.12.08 a 12H48 par Social Culture Europe Newsgroup


BBC quotes a Palestinian in Gaza: “There are shortages of everything
here from bread to electricity. People just want to live as humans but
have to go without fuel, without being able to heat their homes,
without electricity for 18 hours at a time.”

That was the situation before the attack by Israel. The situation in
the Gaza ghetto, where Israel has kept a concentration of arab,
muslim, palestinians virtually prisoners, never knowing if they will
have any food, medicine, fuel for cooking, electricity,... or if they
will not have anything at all. Can we expect every Gaza Palestinian to
control his or her anger, during years of suffering, held in what
increasingly becomes an Israeli concentration camp ? No. Some have
attempted to express their frustration and anger at Israel, by
retaliating. While Palestinian anger and violent retaliation, using
rockets against Israel, is never right, can it be considered
provoked ? Certainly it has been provoked. Provocation to anger, and
loss of tempers, has occurred. The historical record in Gaza, as to
the suffering of the people there, is enough to show that there has
been continued, consistent, repeated, provication to anger.

Who then is guilty ? The provoked or those who have continually
chosen to provoke them ?

In a civilized world one nation cannot take upon itself the punishing
of a whole population, by violent means, simply because a minority
within that population are alleged to be acting wrongfully. When one
such group does so to another, injuring and killing women, children,
non combatants, indiscriminately, simply because they happen to belong
to a particular ethnic, religious, and national group, then that
nation is conducting the equivalent of a “holocaust”. The world cannot
permit Israel to conduct the equivalent of a “holocaust”. When will
the historical victims of that type of violence learn that they
themselves must never, under any circumstances, victimize others in
any way similarly to the manner than they were victimized. Jewish
people were deprived of the means to life, segregated due to their
Jewish religion, as an ethnic group, wrongfully tortured (traumatized,
wounded) and killed. Now Palestinians, who are arabs according to
ethnicity, and of the muslim religion, who have already been
segregated and substantially deprived, are now being wounded, killed,
and further deprived of the means to life, simply because they are
muslims, arabs, and chance to be living segregated on the border of
Israel. It is not likely that any of the wounded and killed are rocket
firing terrorists. And even if one is, among a hundred casualties, it
cannot be right. Where the practice follows such similar principles,
the victimization, of ten, a hundred, thousands, or millions, is not
the question. The question is the victimization as such, and it must
not be allowed to happen, and it cannot be right, no matter who the
people happen to be, according to religious creed, or ethnicity.

Punishing a whole people, for the wrongs of a few of their numbers,
cannot ever be right. It cannot ever be justified. It cannot ever be
tolerated by humanity, and it must never be tolerated or excused, for
the sake of humanity. Much more so when the people who have acted
wrongfully were provoked.

I recall a Palestinian saying that peace with Israel was, in his
opinion, an impossibility, and that living with Israel was also an
impossibility. I did not really agree with or perhaps understand his
contention on that issue. Surely Israel’s current actions in Gaza are
proving him right, and are proving me wrong, in my naive belief that
peace between arab muslims and Israeli Jews can be realized and is
possible. I was naive, before the Gaza holocaust began. I thought both
sides would and could find common ground, and work together for a
common peace and betterment of the shared human situation. Not so. The
Gaza holocaust has destroyed that possibility. I now cannot see how
that possibility could, or would, ever likely be restored as a real
possibility. Arab muslims will be hunting their jewish attackers, both
those who gave the orders and those who followed the orders, for
generations, in the same way as Jews today still hunt Nazi war
criminals. The Jewish criminals of the Gaza holocaust, will eventually
have to pay the same price as the Nazi holocaust criminals paid after
that era came to an end. Will they not ? Isn’t it the same logic, of
segregate, deprive, attack and murder, women, children, non
combatants, innocents, and isn’t it the same price to be paid ?

There will have to be a war crimes trial after the Gaza holocaust.
Will there not ?

How else can the United Nations, and the world community, possibly
claim any sense of justice in the matter ?

What Israel has now done is create a situation in Gaza from which
those imprisoned there, starved, deprived, segregated, and oppressed
in a climate of constant fear, cannot possibly recover. There are no
ways, no means, for recovery. There is nothing there, in Gaza, to
facilitate proper care for the injured, or to provide means for the
living. They say “the city is dead”, and in fact it means humanity is
dead. Israel is murdering humanity.

Robert Morpheal


BBC quotes a Palestinian in Gaza: “There are shortages of everything
here from bread to electricity. People just want to live as humans but
have to go without fuel, without being able to heat their homes,
without electricity for 18 hours at a time.”

That was the situation before the attack by Israel. The situation in
the Gaza ghetto, where Israel has kept a concentration of arab,
muslim, palestinians virtually prisoners, never knowing if they will
have any food, medicine, fuel for cooking, electricity,... or if they
will not have anything at all. Can we expect every Gaza Palestinian to
control his or her anger, during years of suffering, held in what
increasingly becomes an Israeli concentration camp ? No. Some have
attempted to express their frustration and anger at Israel, by
retaliating. While Palestinian anger and violent retaliation, using
rockets against Israel, is never right, can it be considered
provoked ? Certainly it has been provoked. Provocation to anger, and
loss of tempers, has occurred. The historical record in Gaza, as to
the suffering of the people there, is enough to show that there has
been continued, consistent, repeated, provication to anger.

Who then is guilty ? The provoked or those who have continually
chosen to provoke them ?

In a civilized world one nation cannot take upon itself the punishing
of a whole population, by violent means, simply because a minority
within that population are alleged to be acting wrongfully. When one
such group does so to another, injuring and killing women, children,
non combatants, indiscriminately, simply because they happen to belong
to a particular ethnic, religious, and national group, then that
nation is conducting the equivalent of a “holocaust”. The world cannot
permit Israel to conduct the equivalent of a “holocaust”. When will
the historical victims of that type of violence learn that they
themselves must never, under any circumstances, victimize others in
any way similarly to the manner than they were victimized. Jewish
people were deprived of the means to life, segregated due to their
Jewish religion, as an ethnic group, wrongfully tortured (traumatized,
wounded) and killed. Now Palestinians, who are arabs according to
ethnicity, and of the muslim religion, who have already been
segregated and substantially deprived, are now being wounded, killed,
and further deprived of the means to life, simply because they are
muslims, arabs, and chance to be living segregated on the border of
Israel. It is not likely that any of the wounded and killed are rocket
firing terrorists. And even if one is, among a hundred casualties, it
cannot be right. Where the practice follows such similar principles,
the victimization, of ten, a hundred, thousands, or millions, is not
the question. The question is the victimization as such, and it must
not be allowed to happen, and it cannot be right, no matter who the
people happen to be, according to religious creed, or ethnicity.

Punishing a whole people, for the wrongs of a few of their numbers,
cannot ever be right. It cannot ever be justified. It cannot ever be
tolerated by humanity, and it must never be tolerated or excused, for
the sake of humanity. Much more so when the people who have acted
wrongfully were provoked.

I recall a Palestinian saying that peace with Israel was, in his
opinion, an impossibility, and that living with Israel was also an
impossibility. I did not really agree with or perhaps understand his
contention on that issue. Surely Israel’s current actions in Gaza are
proving him right, and are proving me wrong, in my naive belief that
peace between arab muslims and Israeli Jews can be realized and is
possible. I was naive, before the Gaza holocaust began. I thought both
sides would and could find common ground, and work together for a
common peace and betterment of the shared human situation. Not so. The
Gaza holocaust has destroyed that possibility. I now cannot see how
that possibility could, or would, ever likely be restored as a real
possibility. Arab muslims will be hunting their jewish attackers, both
those who gave the orders and those who followed the orders, for
generations, in the same way as Jews today still hunt Nazi war
criminals. The Jewish criminals of the Gaza holocaust, will eventually
have to pay the same price as the Nazi holocaust criminals paid after
that era came to an end. Will they not ? Isn’t it the same logic, of
segregate, deprive, attack and murder, women, children, non
combatants, innocents, and isn’t it the same price to be paid ?

There will have to be a war crimes trial after the Gaza holocaust.
Will there not ?

How else can the United Nations, and the world community, possibly
claim any sense of justice in the matter ?

What Israel has now done is create a situation in Gaza from which
those imprisoned there, starved, deprived, segregated, and oppressed
in a climate of constant fear, cannot possibly recover. There are no
ways, no means, for recovery. There is nothing there, in Gaza, to
facilitate proper care for the injured, or to provide means for the
living. They say “the city is dead”, and in fact it means humanity is
dead. Israel is murdering humanity.

Robert Morpheal


BBC quotes a Palestinian in Gaza: “There are shortages of everything
here from bread to electricity. People just want to live as humans but
have to go without fuel, without being able to heat their homes,
without electricity for 18 hours at a time.”

That was the situation before the attack by Israel. The situation in
the Gaza ghetto, where Israel has kept a concentration of arab,
muslim, palestinians virtually prisoners, never knowing if they will
have any food, medicine, fuel for cooking, electricity,... or if they
will not have anything at all. Can we expect every Gaza Palestinian to
control his or her anger, during years of suffering, held in what
increasingly becomes an Israeli concentration camp ? No. Some have
attempted to express their frustration and anger at Israel, by
retaliating. While Palestinian anger and violent retaliation, using
rockets against Israel, is never right, can it be considered
provoked ? Certainly it has been provoked. Provocation to anger, and
loss of tempers, has occurred. The historical record in Gaza, as to
the suffering of the people there, is enough to show that there has
been continued, consistent, repeated, provication to anger.

Who then is guilty ? The provoked or those who have continually
chosen to provoke them ?

In a civilized world one nation cannot take upon itself the punishing
of a whole population, by violent means, simply because a minority
within that population are alleged to be acting wrongfully. When one
such group does so to another, injuring and killing women, children,
non combatants, indiscriminately, simply because they happen to belong
to a particular ethnic, religious, and national group, then that
nation is conducting the equivalent of a “holocaust”. The world cannot
permit Israel to conduct the equivalent of a “holocaust”. When will
the historical victims of that type of violence learn that they
themselves must never, under any circumstances, victimize others in
any way similarly to the manner than they were victimized. Jewish
people were deprived of the means to life, segregated due to their
Jewish religion, as an ethnic group, wrongfully tortured (traumatized,
wounded) and killed. Now Palestinians, who are arabs according to
ethnicity, and of the muslim religion, who have already been
segregated and substantially deprived, are now being wounded, killed,
and further deprived of the means to life, simply because they are
muslims, arabs, and chance to be living segregated on the border of
Israel. It is not likely that any of the wounded and killed are rocket
firing terrorists. And even if one is, among a hundred casualties, it
cannot be right. Where the practice follows such similar principles,
the victimization, of ten, a hundred, thousands, or millions, is not
the question. The question is the victimization as such, and it must
not be allowed to happen, and it cannot be right, no matter who the
people happen to be, according to religious creed, or ethnicity.

Punishing a whole people, for the wrongs of a few of their numbers,
cannot ever be right. It cannot ever be justified. It cannot ever be
tolerated by humanity, and it must never be tolerated or excused, for
the sake of humanity. Much more so when the people who have acted
wrongfully were provoked.

I recall a Palestinian saying that peace with Israel was, in his
opinion, an impossibility, and that living with Israel was also an
impossibility. I did not really agree with or perhaps understand his
contention on that issue. Surely Israel’s current actions in Gaza are
proving him right, and are proving me wrong, in my naive belief that
peace between arab muslims and Israeli Jews can be realized and is
possible. I was naive, before the Gaza holocaust began. I thought both
sides would and could find common ground, and work together for a
common peace and betterment of the shared human situation. Not so. The
Gaza holocaust has destroyed that possibility. I now cannot see how
that possibility could, or would, ever likely be restored as a real
possibility. Arab muslims will be hunting their jewish attackers, both
those who gave the orders and those who followed the orders, for
generations, in the same way as Jews today still hunt Nazi war
criminals. The Jewish criminals of the Gaza holocaust, will eventually
have to pay the same price as the Nazi holocaust criminals paid after
that era came to an end. Will they not ? Isn’t it the same logic, of
segregate, deprive, attack and murder, women, children, non
combatants, innocents, and isn’t it the same price to be paid ?

There will have to be a war crimes trial after the Gaza holocaust.
Will there not ?

How else can the United Nations, and the world community, possibly
claim any sense of justice in the matter ?

What Israel has now done is create a situation in Gaza from which
those imprisoned there, starved, deprived, segregated, and oppressed
in a climate of constant fear, cannot possibly recover. There are no
ways, no means, for recovery. There is nothing there, in Gaza, to
facilitate proper care for the injured, or to provide means for the
living. They say “the city is dead”, and in fact it means humanity is
dead. Israel is murdering humanity.

Robert Morpheal "


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