lundi, janvier 05, 2009

Génocide : Israël utilise les GBU30 (à l’uranium appauvri) sur Gaza

" Non contents de massacrer massivement les palestiniens de Gaza les SS - Soldats Sionistes - empoisonnent les survivants à l'Uranium Appauvri. La presse israélienne s'est vantée ce matin des exploits technologiques de son armée de l'air qui utilise des Smart Bombs GBU 39 à l'Uranium Appauvri pour bombarder leurs cibles dans la Bande de Gaza, un territoire de 360Km2 d'une densité de population de 3823 habitants au Km² ". Et les médias continuent à renvoyer dos à dos Hamas et Israël !
Ces GBU 39, dites Smart Bombs (Bombes Intelligentes) sont de petites bombes, bon marché, développées par l'industrie militaire américaine pour frapper des cibles en profondeur du type bunkers. Le congrés américain a donné son accord en Septembre pour la fourniture de 1000 de ces bombes à l'armée israélienne, et la première livraison a eu lieu début Décembre. Ces GBU 39 ont été utilisées samedi contre des cibles souterraines et dimanche pour détruire des tunnels sur la frontière égyptienne. Ces GBU 39 sont réputées être trés précises, pèsent 113 Kg, avec une charge explosive de 22,7Kg et ont les mêmes capacités de pénétration que les bombes de 900 Kg. Leur petite taille, permet d'augmenter le nombre de bombes transportées par les avions de combat F15 ou F16 et par conséquent le nombre de cibles visées ce qui explique la violence des attaques de samedi principalement sur la ville de Gaza surpeuplée. Le dard de ces bombes est à l'Uranium Appauvri, UA 238, multipliant sa force de pénétration, elles peuvent être utilisées par mauvais temps et ont une portée de 110Km.
l'UA est un redoutable poison chimique et radiologique qui brûle aisément à l'impact et se réduit à 90% en particules radioactives extrêmement petites (particules nanométriques de quelques milliardièmes de mètre) qui échappent à tout type de masque à gaz. Ces combustions répétées d'uranium voyagent avec les mouvements d'air contaminant l'atmosphère et pénétrant dans les organismes via la respiration. Donc presque tout l'uranium dont se servent les aviateurs se retrouve en quasi totalité sous forme « de gaz métallique radioactif invisible dans la biosphère » que les populations respirent.
Ce n'est pas difficile d'imaginer les conséquences catastrophiques que de tels bombardements avec des bombes GBU 39 à l'UA auront sur la population de Gaza : cancers, malformations congénitales, maladies du système immunitaire... et ce d'autant plus que la population souffre de malnutrition chronique et de manque de soins à cause du blocus israélien. Les conséquences de l'utilisation de bombes à l'UA en Afghanistan et en Irak sont trés bien documentées, notamment par des photos insoutenables de nouveaux nés malformés. En larguant des bombes GBU 39 à l'UA sur des zones densément peuplées de Gaza, Israël procède à un « nettoyage ethnique » lent de la population palestinienne qui sera automatiquement contaminée, et à une destruction de l'environnement.
Le gouvernement sioniste de Tel Aviv n'a pas de chambres à gaz, pas de gaz Zyklon, il a des Bombes « Intelligentes » pour exterminer le peuple palestinien, un véritable crime contre l'humanité. Les armements à l'UA sont illégaux.

4 janvier 2009 / Altermonde-levillage


1 commentaires:

À 6:56 AM , Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

Le post suivant publie' sur social culture europe le 4.1.09 a 20 h 05 confirme ton message .
Il semble que les israeliens sont en train de tester de nouvelles armes chimiques sur le peuple martyre palestinien au mepris de toutes les lois et conventions internationales pour developper leur industrie de la mort.


The Israeli military siege and invasion of Gaza are not about Israel
and Hamas. It is about what is civilized and what is not. It is about
what is ethical and what is not. It is about what a world community
can tolerate and what it cannot tolerate.

The world is once again allowing combatants to battle it out with each
other, at the expense of a civilian population. We have seen Israeli
cluster weapons exploding in the Gaza sky, into a deadly rain of
projectiles. Multiple photographs have appeared in Reuters and on the
BBC. We have seen what appears to be evidence indicating Israel is
using multiple types of ordinance, including cluster, spent uranium
chemical, and conventional. Photographs of the ordinance have been
published, indicating their colour coding and clearly showing their
differences in design.
There are dense clouds of white smoke, unusual for conventional
ordinance. The cause of the smoke is uncertain, but it is not simply a
matter of shells exploding as they hit the ground. White phosphorous
perhaps ? There are large bright hot areas showing in a few images.
There are explosions, with dust and smoke clouds, so large they
resemble small nuclear weapons in their destructive magnitude. The
clouds rising from those hits on Gaza are larger than apartment
houses, forming their massive mushroom shapes in the sky. They are
conventional weapons, but with ferocious magnitude, likely well beyond
the 2000 lb bombs who’s effects were reported earlier. There is fire,
perhaps from incendiary rounds, fired into the heart of Gaza.

There are, as of yet, no indications of United Nations monitors.
Journalists have been banned from the city. Communications have
largely been cut.

This should have never happened. It should have never happened in a
civilized world. Technology does not make a people, or a world,
civilized. It does not bring with it a moral right and an ethical
knowledge. It does not make people good. It can be used to destroy
lives, a city, and it can destroy all semblance of humanity where it
is unleashed the way it is being unleashed upon Gaza.

It does not matter which side was more provocative of the other. Both
Israel and Hamas have been procative. I read a web site by a Gazan
woman who reported how 100 tonnes of cherry tomatoes were caused to
rot, because Israel would not allow them to be shipped to Europe. What
did Israel think ? That cherry tomatoes were in fact cherry bombs ?
Strawberries suffered a similar fate. Fishermen going out to fish were
often shot at. The fish in the market were a sparse catch, of what
could be caught in a net from a small boat. There were people trying
to farm in Gaza, to grow vegetables. There was a bakery trying to bake
bread. Now those things are largely destroyed. The greenhouses growing
the tomatoes likely no longer exist.

Is this what the world can condone of any people ?

Israel could have won the political battle by means of kindness and
generosity to the people of Gaza. It chose, for its own political
purposes, to deprive, abuse, and attack them. No one can be allowed to
win in that way, or it becomes acceptable for anyone and everyone to
win in that same way. Is that the type of world that everyone
wants ?

You cannot win over a people, as friends and allies, by beating on
them, and depriving them of the simple things that make life possible,
and of any peaceful commerce with the world. This is a war about
cherry tomatoes. It is a war about strawberries. It is a war about
denying parts for vital infrastructure and denying medicine and fuel.
Leaving people in the cold.

Now Gaza is cold. Very cold. There is no heat. There is no
electricity. There will likely soon be no more food, and certainly no

1.5 million people.

I do not care whether Hamas or Israel started it and I do not even
care who was the more provocative. In any court, in any land,
provocation of either side by the other could be readily proven, into
infinity. There is no resolving that.

That being said, the attack on Gaza city is an abomination.

Israel could have won, against Hamas, by kindness, decency,
generosity. Food, medicine, reasonable commerce of goods, support for
the Gaza infrastructure, would have won over those who turned to
Hamas, because of continued oppression, and continued deprivations.
Hamas would have had no followers, to speak of, if the conditions in
Gaza had been decent and just, in terms of 1.5 million, mostly
innocents: infants, children, women, and men who baked bread, fished
for fish for the market, packed strawberries and picked cherry

It is all wrong, and the Israeli attack on Gaza cannot ever make it
right again.

Robert Morpheal"


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